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"Bojana Marković"
Kinetic study of pentavalent vanadium sorption on magnetic macroporous copolymer of glycidyl methacrylate (2021-03)
LJ. Suručić, A. Onjia, B. Marković, A. Nastasović, Z. Sandić, Kinetic study of pentavalent vanadium sorption on magnetic macroporous copolymer of glycidyl methacrylate, Book of Abstracts/VII International Congress Engineering, Environment and Materials in Process Industry, 2021, pp. 233 - 233, Mar, 2021 -
Correlation of experimental data and theoretical predictions of heavy metal sorption by macroporous amino-functionalized sorbent (2021-09)
LJ. Suručić, A. Nastasović, A. Rakić, B. Marković, A. Onjia, G. Janjić, Correlation of experimental data and theoretical predictions of heavy metal sorption by macroporous amino-functionalized sorbent, Book of abstracts/Proceedings 57th Meeting of the Serbian Chemical Society, pp. 96 - 96, Sep, 2021 -
Substitution of sulfur by selenium. Effect of polar groups from the environmental (2021-09)
LJ. Suručić, T. Tadić, A. Nastasović, B. Marković, Z. Sandić, A. Onjia, G. Janjić, Substitution of sulfur by selenium. Effect of polar groups from the environmental, 27th conference of the Serbian crystallographic society-abstracts, Kragujevac, Serbia, pp. 44 - 45, Sep, 2021 -
Investigation of sorption behavior of Cu(II) and Pb(II) onto a novеl EDTA modified copolymer (2021-09)
T. Tadić, B. Marković, I. Stefanović, J. Džunuzović, Z. Sandić, LJ. Suručić, A. Onjia, Investigation of sorption behavior of Cu(II) and Pb(II) onto a novеl EDTA modified copolymer, Proceedings - 15th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry 2021, pp. 505 - 508, Sep, 2021 -
Application of macroporous nanocomposite in microextraction of aromatic amine from water (2022-09)
T. Tadić, B. Marković, A. Nastasović, LJ. Suručić, A. Onjia, Application of macroporous nanocomposite in microextraction of aromatic amine from water, Proceedings-16th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry 2022, pp. 425 - 428, Sep, 2022 -
Non-linear kinetic isotherms and thermodynamic behavior of As (V) onto hybrid nanocomposite (2022-09)
B. Marković, T. Tadić, LJ. Suručić, A. Nastasović, Z. Sandić, A. Onjia, Non-linear kinetic isotherms and thermodynamic behavior of As (V) onto hybrid nanocomposite, Proceedings-16th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry 2022, September 26-30, 2022, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 421 - 424, Sep, 2022 -
Study of isothermal, kinetic, and thermodynamic parameters for sorption of vanadium (2023-10)
T. Tadić, B. Marković, A. Nastasović, LJ. Suručić, Z. Sandić, A. Onjia, Study of isothermal, kinetic, and thermodynamic parameters for sorption of vanadium, Book of proceedings: international scientific conference/XIV Conference of Chemists, Technologists and Environmentalists of Republic of Srpska, October 21-22, 2022, Banja Luka, pp. 292 - 299, Oct, 2023 -
Competitive copper, cadmium, and nickel ions removal from aqueous solution using amino-modified magnetic polymer sorbent (2024-09)
T. Tadić, LJ. Suručić, A. Nastasović, S. Bulatović, N. Nedić, A. Onjia, B. Marković, Competitive copper, cadmium, and nickel ions removal from aqueous solution using amino-modified magnetic polymer sorbent, Physical Chemistry 2024: proceedings. Vol. 2/17th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, pp. 429 - 432, Sep, 2024 -
Recovery of vanadium (V) oxyanions by a magnetic macroporous copolymer nanocomposite sorbent (2021-11)
L. Suručuć, T. Tadić, G. Janjić, B. Marković, A. Nastasović, A. Onjia, Recovery of vanadium (V) oxyanions by a magnetic macroporous copolymer nanocomposite sorbent, Metals, Vol. 11, No. 11, pp. 1777 - 1790, Nov, 2021 -
Kinetic and equilibrium study of arsenic sorption on silanized magnetic amino-functionalized nanocomposite (2021-12)
LJ. Suručić, T. Tadić, A. Nastasović, B. Marković, A. Onjia, Kinetic and equilibrium study of arsenic sorption on silanized magnetic amino-functionalized nanocomposite, Journal of Chemists, Technologists and Environmentalists, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 1 - 7, Dec, 2021 -
Application of sensors based on molecularly imprinted polymers for virus detection (2022-01)
T. Tadić, B. Marković, LJ. Suručić, A. Nastasović, A. Onjia, Application of sensors based on molecularly imprinted polymers for virus detection, ECOLOGICA, Vol. 28, No. 104, pp. 543 - 555, Jan, 2022 -
A Core-Shell Amino-Functionalized Magnetic Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Based on Glycidyl Methacrylate for Dispersive Solid-Phase Microextraction of Aniline (2022-07)
T. Tadić, B. Marković, J. Radulović, J. Lukić, LJ. Suručić, A. Nastasović, A. Onjia, A Core-Shell Amino-Functionalized Magnetic Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Based on Glycidyl Methacrylate for Dispersive Solid-Phase Microextraction of Aniline, Sustainability, Vol. 14, No. 15, pp. 9222 - 9237, Jul, 2022 -
Magnetic macroporous copolymer as oxyanions sorbent (2018)
LJ. Suručić, A. Onjia, Z. Sandić, B. Marković, A. Nastasović, Magnetic macroporous copolymer as oxyanions sorbent, 5th International Conference on Advances in Chemical Engineering and Technology, Book of Abstracts, 2018 -
Metal ion speciation by magnetic polymer/bentonite nanocomposite (2019)
LJ. Suručić, D. Mihajlović, B. Marković, Z. Sandić, A. Stanković, A. Nastasović, Metal ion speciation by magnetic polymer/bentonite nanocomposite, XII International Scientific Conference Contemporary materials, Book of Abstracts, 2019 -
Methacrylate-Based Polymeric Sorbents for Recovery of Metals from Aqueous Solutions (2022-05)
A. Nastasović, B. Marković, LJ. Suručić, A. Onjia, Methacrylate-Based Polymeric Sorbents for Recovery of Metals from Aqueous Solutions, Metals, Vol. 5, No. 12, May, 2022 -
Kinetics and thermodynamics of Mo(VI) and Re(VII) sorption on amino-functionalized magnetic polymer (2018)
B. Marković, I. Stefanović, J. DŽunuzović, Z. Sandić, LJ. Suručić, A. Onjia, A. Nastasović, Kinetics and thermodynamics of Mo(VI) and Re(VII) sorption on amino-functionalized magnetic polymer, Proceedings Vol. II, pp. 753 - 756, 2018 -
Silver(I) adsorption on magnetic macroporous chelating polymer (2018)
B. Marković, Z. Sandić, I. Stefanović, J. DŽunuzović, A. Onjia, A. Nastasović, Silver(I) adsorption on magnetic macroporous chelating polymer, Book of abstracts, 2018 -
Magnetic macroporous copolymer as oxyanions sorbent (2018)
LJ. Suručić, A. Onjia, Z. Sandić, B. Marković, A. Nastasović, Magnetic macroporous copolymer as oxyanions sorbent, Proceedings, J. Adv. Chem Eng, Vol. 8, 2018 -
Novel amino-functionalized magnetic polymer /bentonite composite for chromium removal from aqueous solutions (2019)
Z. Sandić, B. Marković, D. Mihajlović, I. Miljanović, I. Stefanović, J. DŽunuzović, A. Nastasović, Novel amino-functionalized magnetic polymer /bentonite composite for chromium removal from aqueous solutions, Programme and Book of Abstracts, 2019 -
One-step synthesis and characterization of a new magnetic polyacrylate nanocomposite with aniline (2020)
T. Tadić, Z. Sandić, LJ. Suručić, B. Marković, A. Nastasović, One-step synthesis and characterization of a new magnetic polyacrylate nanocomposite with aniline, Programme and Book of Abstracts, 2020